Workplace Mental Health Keynote Presentations

The Keynote Presentations offer a high-level, basic introduction to workplace mental health.

The presentations provide employers and employees with tools and resources for mental health awareness and responses to common mental health issues.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the training, participants will:
  • • Learn mental health and mental illness definitions
  • • Understand the impact of mental illness in the workplace
  • • Appreciate the reasons for supporting mental health in the workplace
  • • Learn about the training offerings of CMHA, Alberta Division



50+ minutes

Attendance Numbers



Pricing available upon consultation

Delivery Method

Virtual, in-person or hybrid format

Audience Type

Employees, external partners

Book a Consultation

Book a consultation on Calendly with Working Stronger’s Workplace Training Consultant to learn more about the programming available and how it can assist your workplace.

Training details, delivery method and cost may be subject to change. Refunds may be available depending on circumstances. For CMHA’s full refund policy, please visit our Refund Policy page.
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Tansi — Cree | Oki — Blackfoot | ​Aba washded — Stoney (Nakota) | ​Ɂedlanet’e — Dene | We respectfully acknowledge that we are on the traditional lands and territories of Indigenous people in Alberta. We want to recognize the significance of our relationships with the land and the peoples who call this ‘home.’ We commit to a reciprocal relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous worldviews that honour and respect ways of knowing and being.
Copyright ©2024 Working Stronger | Workplace Mental Health Alberta . All rights reserved.