Conference Session

D1: The Masks That We Wear: Confessions of a Human Employee

Speaker | Kris Marks

“The Masks That We Wear” is an immersive and interactive visual presentation that reveals how the invisible challenges and experiences we face as human beings intersect with our workplace personas and personal lives. As told through the lens and lived experiences of an Alberta tradesperson, facilitator Kris Marks reveals the invisible challenges he personally faced during his 14-year tenure as a journeyman machinist living with mental illness.

Attendees will be granted access to the personal and professional life of an Alberta oil and gas worker and will be invited to share their perspectives as they evolve throughout the presentation. As the intersection of our collective roles as employees, coworkers, partners, family members, and friends is revealed, learning objectives will culminate in a display of innovative solutions related to resiliency, relationship building, personal growth, navigating mental health challenges, overcoming communication barriers, and personal health.

Speaker Biography

Kris Marks

Kris Marks is the founder of VIV Mental Health, an initiative dedicated to innovating how workplaces, communities, and classrooms deliver mental health training and education. Kris is a frequent keynote speaker, harm-reduction and outreach volunteer, and a passionate advocate for suicide survivors and survivors of suicide loss.

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Tansi — Cree | Oki — Blackfoot | ​Aba washded — Stoney (Nakota) | ​Ɂedlanet’e — Dene | We respectfully acknowledge that we are on the traditional lands and territories of Indigenous people in Alberta. We want to recognize the significance of our relationships with the land and the peoples who call this ‘home.’ We commit to a reciprocal relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous worldviews that honour and respect ways of knowing and being.
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